Důvtipná kvízová hra
Pro 2-6 hráčů od 12 let, hra standardně trvá 45+ min.
Funny knowledge game
For 2-6 players from the age 12, usually it takes 45+ minutes.
iKnow is a game that combines knowledge with tactics. 1,600 questions from 4 categories from around the world together with 4,800 interesting guiding helps. All of these will make you laugh and learn at the same time.
But knowledge is not enough to win. You will also need good estimation of your opponents!
Vratná záloha je dvojnásobek ceny výpůjčky / Refundable deposit is twice the price of the loan
Věc může být půjčena i na jinou dobu než 1 týden. Preferovanou délku výpůjčky uveďte během rezervace.
The item can be also lent for other length than 1 week. Specify your preferred length of loan when booking.
Darováno firmou/donated by: Albi.cz